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Jeffrey is in grade 5 and loves science, so when his teacher asks the class to think of a science project to work on, he and his new friend, Bob, decide to learn more about the Water Cycle and how it affects the community. Through their research, they come across evidence of a crime, and with the help of younger brother, Jesse, solve a local mystery and help their family friend, a sheep farmer. 

Join Jeffrey and Bob as they learn about the hydrologic (water) cycle, municipal water treatment, desalination, experiments with crops and, most importantly, the valuable lesson that the end does not justify the means.

Look for Jeffrey and Bob wherever great books are sold!

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7777172-6-1

Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7777172-7-8

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For Parents & Educators & Curious Kids

Sheep on the Lam outlines the importance of the Hydrologic Cycle in our lives. By learning all about how water evaporates into clouds and comes back to earth as rain or snow for a class science project, Jeffrey and Bob help a family friend and solve the mystery of how Mr. Brown’s sheep repeatedly went on the lam. By bringing the mystery to a close, Jeffrey and Bob learn how the end doesn't justify the means. Even if the end goal is good, people harming others to get there is still wrong.

Join Jeffrey and Bob as they explore the nature of the water cycle and bravely solve the mystery to catch the culprits harming Mr. Brown.

Hydrologic Cycle

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Colouring Sheet

Download a high-resolution copy of the Hydrologic Cycle illustration without any shading. Great for printing and colouring in yourself!

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About The Author

Marion McAdam is a retired consultant who spent most of her career in the corporate world. Before finding her niche in strategy execution, she worked in the areas of organizational effectiveness, human resources, investments, corporate communications and early childhood education. 

Marion lives on the West Coast of British Columbia with her husband in the peaceful historic village of Ladner, not far from Vancouver. They are surrounded by many exceptionally well-behaved plants, art collected over the years and books of all genres. When not reading or writing, she is out hiking, puttering in her patio garden or traveling—always with a camera in hand.

As a parent, she nurtured a sense of curiosity and interest through stories and through a love of reading.  The Jeffrey and Bob Adventures were developed from stories she told her son on long road trips over 35 years ago. The idea of the stories endured and her family finally convinced her to write them down. Sheep on the Lam is the first book in the series.

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